Comprehensive Services for Organizational Success

At Granting Growth, we offer a wide range of services designed to support organizations in achieving financial stability and long-term success. Beyond grant writing training, board training, and strategic planning, our additional services provide a valuable safety net for organizations facing turnover in their grants department or those looking to establish a robust grants program from the ground up.

Additional Services Offered

  1. Grant Writing Support:

    • Proposal Development:

      • Our experts assist in crafting compelling grant proposals that align with funders' priorities, increasing your chances of securing funding.

    • Grant Research:

      • We conduct thorough research to identify funding opportunities that match your organization's mission and goals.

    • Review and Editing:

      • Ensure your proposals are polished and professional with our review and editing services, providing a higher likelihood of success.

  2. Capacity Building:

    • Workshops and Webinars:

      • Participate in interactive workshops and webinars focused on various aspects of grantwriting, fundraising, and organizational development.

    • Customized Training Programs:

      • Tailored training programs designed to meet the specific needs of your organization, enhancing overall capacity and effectiveness.

  3. Interim Grant Writing Services:

    • Temporary Staffing:

      • Our interim grantwriting services provide experienced grantwriters to support your organization during periods of transition or staff turnover.

    • Project-Based Support:

      • Engage our grantwriters for specific projects or grant cycles, ensuring continuity and expertise when you need it most.

  4. Evaluation and Reporting:

    • Impact Assessment:

      • Measure and demonstrate the impact of your programs with our comprehensive evaluation services.

    • Grant Reporting:

      • Assistance with grant reporting requirements, ensuring compliance and maintaining positive relationships with funders.

  5. Fund Development Strategy:

    • Strategic Fundraising Plans:

      • Develop long-term fundraising strategies that diversify your funding sources and ensure financial sustainability.

    • Donor Engagement:

      • Create and implement strategies to cultivate and steward donor relationships, enhancing donor retention and support.

Value of Our Services

  1. Stability During Transition:

    • Organizations experiencing turnover in their grants department can rely on our interim grant writing services to maintain continuity and avoid disruptions in grant-seeking efforts.

  2. Building a Strong Foundation:

    • For organizations looking to establish a grants program, our comprehensive training and support services provide the essential building blocks for success, from initial research to proposal development and beyond.

  3. Enhanced Capacity and Efficiency:

    • Our services help build internal capacity, enabling your organization to manage grant writing and fundraising activities more effectively and efficiently.

  4. Improved Success Rates:

    • By leveraging our expertise and support, organizations can increase their success rates in securing grants and funding, leading to greater financial stability and impact.

  5. Long-Term Sustainability:

    • With a strong grants program and strategic fund development plan in place, your organization is better positioned to achieve long-term sustainability and growth.

Let Granting Growth be your partner in navigating the complex world of grants and funding. Our comprehensive services are designed to support organizations of all types, providing a valuable safety net and ensuring your continued success and impact.